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at the paris cat with tamara murphy and darryn farrugia

Jazz Flamenco Blues and more

Creativity: Jazz, Flamenco, Blues and more

I adore Bach´s music. The way his melodies tangle and untangle as the compositions develops. It creates constant excitement and flow of emotions. Contemporary music with improvised touches allows for melodic and harmonic textures. This is a consequence of such improvised interaction amongst musicians.

Jazz feeds on this need of improvised interaction, to create a genre of music in touch with our constant change of inner emotions. My music tends to share space and time with others. I wish all musicians who I play with, to explore their personal space and add their self-expression of well-being, to the love music been created.

I welcome all of you to join us at our upcoming Melbourne world music concerts.

Melbourne Flamenco jazz concert

Book Full Melbourne Concerts Thomas Lorenzo  2016

Creative Guitar School news

I will be touring Spain in September, and the  Melbourne creative guitar school will remain closed for a few weeks. News courses will open on the 15th of October, finishing just before Christmas. I invite all of you to explore all the new guitar music levels. Students will explore and enjoy all styles of music as in Jazz, Flamenco, Blues and latin music.

I also invite all you of to explore your own personal creativity through music where you will achieve your much deserved self praise and satisfaction. Music is an ever lasting healing tool for our soul. I welcome you to explore it. I must insist that music learning requires discipline. All my courses involve hard work that is based upon repetition that will help you develop short and long-term memory goals.

Melbourne Acoustic Duo

Songful, my Melbourne acoustic duo, is on the go again. We are soon to be recording our new album. This adventure will remind us all of the beauty of the human voices accompanied by the staggering rhythm of the guitar. We will be recording jazz, pop and soul classics and in the process we will be exploring the musical outcome of fresh rhythmic and harmonic textures. We wish to make all of you feel revived and alive, as you hum along to the songs we all know.

New Flamenco World Music Cd

During the present year,  I am also developing my creative artistic side with a series of 12 new compositions developing flamenco and jazz. These tunes are a consequence of my last two years of live performances, at the Armadale Uniting Church. These compositions have come alive at each concert. They were delivered to the audience, and the after experience and feedback, has further helped me fine tune them.  They all now flow with constant beauty. Please stay tuned to the new releases to be found for download on I Tunes and Cd baby.

I welcome you all to subscribe to my newsletter that will keep you updated on new concerts, releases tours and music courses. I welcome you to share my journey of life. A simple journey of joy and love .

Thomas Lorenzo

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