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Student´s Live Music

Live in Concert

At the Creative Guitar School we love to improvise. We learn to play different styles of music in solo and also in group formats. All music styles, flamenco, jazz, or blues,  require strong melodic and harmonic embellishment techniques; to make the music flow and your personal expression come alive.

Here is a video of Ethan playing a bluesy tune, at one of our School Concerts. Great groove, great chord comping and also great soloing; defining the chord progressions and also creating contrast with the blues sound.

We learn to understand the  different roles in an arrangement

Lead , background , rhythm, chords.  I have a variety of compositions in various styles that students, once completed, level 2 are able to perform in group settings. Here I have two examples of group arrangements.


Hermanas de Sangre

We have fun at all levels

This is a performance  of students, that have finished level 1, playing two songs:  a classic by Bob Marley and also an Irish Jig Boys of Blue Hill.

Guitar creativity on the rise

Students must compose their own songs in all courses and levels at our Wollongong and Sydney Creative Guitar School. Music is a language we use to express emotions.  I trust, you agree that our language skills improve when we write an essay. In music, it is also the same, but in this case we write musical essays: compositions.

All students feel great joy when they hear how their emotions come to life in their guitar compositions.

Please enjoy both the the audio and video files of Jamie’s composition. It is based on the Ionian mode with modal interchange from the aeolian mode.

Creative Guitar School Social Club

Please join us and share with us your personal guitar creations.  We have also recently opened up our Creative Guitar School Social Club. These are the links for the Face book pages and the Instagram accounts.

Creative guitar social club Facebook page:

All guitar students are also welcomed to showcase their talent at our regular guitar meet ups. Please take a a peak at our latest barbecue and guitar concerts.

Guitar creativity on the rise

Thomas Lorenzo

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