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Melbourne Sydney Guitar Courses

Melbourne Sydney Guitar Courses

Melbourne Sydney Guitar Courses

I am currently organising my Melbourne Sydney guitar courses for the year.  I therefore urge current students to secure their spots. Please be aware that weekday evenings get booked very quickly. Furthermore, if you are a beginner, please consider joining our group lessons, held on Mondays at 6 and 7 p.m, or Wednesdays at 6 or 7 pm.

Take a peak guitar courses and prices through this link.

If you would like to know what level you are at,  please go through the course curriculum found on this link.

Guitar groups

I encourage students to get together outside classroom hours and prepare repertoire for our live performances.  If you have not received the invitation by email, to sign up for these new groups, and wish to perform with fellow students,  please send me a quick email so I may hook you up with the appropriate musical partner.

Student reactions to a minor chord with a major seventh

My students have asked me to share this photo with you. It shows their true dismay and courage upon learning the existence, of a Minor Major 7th chord.

In this picture, see three great students displaying eagerness to learn. Good on you all!

Melbourne Sydney Guitar courses

How to be creative in chord playing 

One of our functions as guitarists, is to define harmony and rhythm. We can play chords as a simultaneous block of notes, or by creating melodic lines that define their harmonic tension. These melodic lines can be created in different registers: in the bass or in the lead. You may also substitute the original chords with others of similar, or opposite harmonic tension.

At my Melbourne and Sydney Creative Guitar school, students learn how harmony works, and how to apply this knowledge to their playing. The objective of this learning, is to never run out of ideas to make your music always sound right.

Creativity and well being

The objective of all courses is to allow students to develop their inner creativity and expression through the guitar. However, music is a discipline that requires daily work so that course goals may be accomplished. All students are required to practice at least 30 minutes a day.

Methods of learning

I believe the objective of any learning method, is that to allow you, as a  student,  to feel good about your playing.

What do you love about music?

Personally, I love how it makes me feel, how it awakens those feelings that give meaning to life.  I love the intensity it can provoke, the flow of emotion and rhythm.  Whenever I play the guitar, I want to evoke this constant rhythm and flow of varied emotion.


Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar School 2017

Would you like to join me on this journey?

Feeling good is based upon playing music in relation to a rhythm; a carrier wave for our portrait of melodic and harmonic emotion.  Music learning should focus on these goals at all stages.

Do you believe an endless repetition of a written musical piece, that tells us excatly what to do, will make us feel this way?

Do you think a composer, that breathes freedom in his thoughts as the only way to create, will play his composition in the same manner, every time he plays it?

Cycle of fourths in your guitar learning

The cycle of fourths, or fifths, divides all temperate tuned musical notes, in constant proportions of intervals. This is the cycle of fourths or fifths. The notes align in a manner,  that may allow us to classify a relationship of ionian scales.

Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar School

I would like to ask you to fill in the number of sharps or flats. considering that the note you choose  is the tonal centre of an Ionian mode scale.

Can you identify a pattern in increments of sharps and flats?

Guitar and harmonic movement

I believe that the classification of what music is, in the written language, is subjective and relative to what the musician has played, and where he lives. Furthermore in our Western Society, we may feel that a cadence of chords,  where chords are ordered in fourths, creates forward movement as opposed to a chord progression in cycle of fifths.

Knowledge and music 

All my students, at my Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar School, will always learn to create music based upon the feeling they wish to portray.  They use music theory as a method of understanding the bigger picture.

Guitar Concerts and new releases

Upcoming guitar concerts

I would like to invite you to stay up to date on all my Melbourne and Sydney Concerts,  by visiting this web page.

I would like to announce my upcoming Melbourne  concert  at the Paris Cat Jazz Club , March 8 at 8 pm.   I will have the pleasure of performing alongside Ben Robertson on bass. Please join us for an evening of creative expression , celebrating music from the heart.

Please listen to my new Guitar release on my: Thomas Lorenzo Guitar website.

El arreglo un puzzle de expresión musical. 

You may purchase my book on arranging and orchestration in the Spanish language, libros de musica through this link. My book on arranging and Orchestration specialises in getting big sounds out of small ensembles. It is in the Spanish language only ( at present). You may purchase online through Amazon .


Flamenco jazz guitar release: Triste.

I am pleased to announce my new original flamenco jazz guitar release: Triste.

Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar Lessons

It is an instrumental guitar composition that reflects on sadness. The objective of all music is expression. My objective as a musician is to express: to deliver the expression in an understandable manner to the audience, so I may have the joy of a smile.

All students at my creative guitar school are immersed in music in their guitar lessons with this objective in mind: self expression.  Our daily lives may be rich and full of joy, but all our imperfections are thoroughly hidden. These imperfections are our real beauty. We should  bring them out in our music. They will be rejoiced by us and the listener.

Guitar training and learning can be a very rewarding experience but it requires hard work. All courses related to Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar Lessons are designed to help the student find self expression, and all these guitar courses require constant dedication. Your reward for dedication will definitely be that of joy .

Please take a peak at my new guitar track .

Nylon strings more lyrical

As a guitar student, you may choose to play electric, steel string or nylon string. In this recording I choose the nylon string  guitar because of the character of the instrument.  A nylon string guitar sounds great if played on its own. Electric guitars sound great when played in an ensemble.

I tend to choose the electric guitar when I wish my melodies to sing more, as the electric guitar has great sustain ( the notes last longer). The Spanish, or nylon string guitar, produces notes that last less and therefore we have to play more times the melody note, to have it come out in a lyrical manner. I would recommend to choose the guitar you feel best playing with.

Students at my creative guitar school learn to play the guitar. The style which you choose, is a latter consequence.

If you would like to keep updated on all my Melbourne Sydney Creative Guitar School news, please sign up to my newsletter.

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Guitar course drop box

I require all students to have a drop box account.  We record all classes on video, so  students can revise the content at their own leisure. You may access the videos through the specific drop box folder assigned to your group.



Thomas Lorenzo

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